
User data related routes

You can supply current in place of user slug to get data for the currently authorized user

Requires authorization, duh

GET /:user

User's profile

Returns user profile data

GET /:user/games

User's games


Returns games for the selected user

Status options

Statuses enum can have the following values

  • playing
  • toplay
  • beated
  • dropped
  • yet
  • owned

GET /:user/favorites

User's favorites games


Returns favorite games for the specified user

GET /:user/collections

User's collections


Returns collections created by the specified user

GET /:user/reviews

User's reviews


Returns revoews posted by the specified user

PATCH /current/games/:gameId

Game status update


Update a game by ID for currently authorized user

This is an authorized route. A token header is required

Status options

Statuses enum can have the following values

  • playing
  • toplay
  • beated
  • dropped
  • yet
  • owned